Thursday, June 19, 2008


This summer has been kid-full. We have had at least two extra kids at our house almost everyday this summer. It is great, and tiring! We are going through food lightning fast! I think I will take just my kids up to the mountains tomorrow and spend some special time with them.
Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Garfield Park with our good friend Tatiana and her adorable son Soren. It was beautiful, and nice to get out of the house after a few days of being home.
Two days ago Keith took us all up to Lincoln to a private pond that is teeming with bluegill, bass, and crappie. There are some huge grass carp in there too. I saw one that was at least 3 feet long. He got permission from the owner to fish there and it is perfect for the kids because the catch a little bluegill with almost every cast. It was sweet.

I reneted the Planet Earth DVDs from Netflix and love them. Highly recommend them!

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